SDH 295: Discover How to Create a Business From Something You Love with Ashley Drummonds

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Our guest in this episode created the ABS Protein Pancakes and Waffle Mix and have turned it into a Shark Tank product that has been featured in multiple national media outlets,  owner of multiple health and fitness websites, Ashley Drummonds.

Ashley’s focus is to empower women to create a life, body, and business they absolutely love through various coaching methods that involve inner and outer strength training. Using her own personal experience and education, she has helped hundreds of individuals not just regain control of their health and fitness, but also empowering individuals to create a life, business, and body of their dreams!

In this episode, you will...

  • Hear about Ashley's journey before entrepreneurship

  • Find out how Ashley came about her product ABS Protein Pancakes and Waffle Mix

  • Discover the challenges she faced when she started

  • Recognize that "light bulb" moment in your life

  • Understand how you can create a business from something you love

  • Learn how to stay fit and get abs while eating pancakes

  • Understand the goal of your business and where you want it to be

"I got my abs while eating pancakes."

"I like to think of endings more as a road that has come to a dead-end and you just have to turn around and get back to the previous road and make a different turn."

"Trust yourself, be yourself and be fearless."

Ashley Drummonds

Marketing, MIndsetAmanda Boleyn