SDH 172: Learn How to Get More of What You Want with Stephanie Dalfonzo

In what ways can you take back your joy? How can you take hold of your own destiny and bring positivity into your world?

In this episode, Stephanie Dalfonzo shares a multitude of ways for people to harness their energy as well as managing and relieving their stress and anxiety through various self help methods. With her expertise ranging from hypnotist, essential oil educator, intuitive women's coach, among other things, she helps her clients put the power of their happiness into their own hands, and transform their mindsets with techniques such as EFT tapping and her form of affirmations.

Her formal education as a coach started when her husband was diagnosed with a life-threatening disease that caused him to need a liver transplant. With the odds of him matching a donor very slim, and her being a stay-at-home mom, she was faced with the possible reality that she would have to raise her children on her own with no career to fall back on.

And so, she decided to go to coaching school on the internet and reinvented herself as a therapeutic hypnotist and a intuitive coach, using methods like EFT tapping. EFT tapping is a transformative energy technique that puts the power of healing and controlling your emotions at your fingertips. Acting with a similar method as acupuncture, faster EFT tapping pin points pressure points in your face and body, and is a simple procedure that can be done at any time to minimize the stressors in life.

Another way Stephanie helps her clients think positively and eliminate negative thoughts and actions is to become aware of the negative thoughts that they think about themselves. Stephanie said that most of the time, we are the ones to say the nastiest things about ourselves, and soon we become our biggest critics.

But awareness of these thoughts is not the cure to eliminating negativity in your life. The next step is practicing a form of affirmations where she asks her clients to pose them as questions, based off of the book Afformations by Noah St. John. Traditional affirmations typically act as meaningless statements that don't incite action and tackle underlying emotional issues. By changing the affirmation into a question, you begin to encourage yourself and recognize the progress that you are making towards your goals. Stephanie adds her spin to the technique by adding 'thank you' three times at the end of the affirmation, which causes you to express gratitude towards yourself and your efforts.

This acts as a powerful step in changing the way you view yourself and creates positive motivation that causes you to act and builds your self confidence.

Get cozy and listen in to hear more about how Stephanie can help you gain empowerment in your daily life through simple shifts and shares more about the benefits of therapeutic hypnosis!

In this episode you will...

  • Find simple ways you can control the stressors in your life

  • Learn to recognize your negative thoughts and take steps to change your mindset

  • Start to pose your affirmations into questions in order to make positive mindset changes

  • Be reminded to manage you stress and anxiety levels on a daily basis

  • Know how to tailor stress relieving techniques to fit you and the root causes of it

  • Figure out the difference between therapeutic hypnosis and stage hypnosis


"The tagline of my business is: Simple Shifts, Lasting Changes. Because...I have the wisdom now of understanding [that] we want to make things so complicated, and when we break it down into simple shifts...woah! That puts the control of your emotions back in your hands. And that's so empowering, isn't it?" -Stephanie Dalfonzo

"The first step is to start turning up the volume on the awareness of what we're saying to ourselves...raise your hand if you talk nasty to yourself like you wouldn't talk to someone else...We all do this, it's just to what extent. And as we start turning up the awareness on it, then it gives us the opportunity to change it." - Stephanie Dalfonzo

"...we make these affirmations, we make these statements that we don't believe to be true...Instead write it out as a question...and I take it a step farther and I add...'thank you' because expressing that gratitude...we're putting those great energetic vibrations out into the universe. And now, we're harnessing the power of our subconcious mind to be like our Google search." -Stephanie Dalfonzo

"I have really taken control as the CEO of my business instead of handing it over to someone else and trusting them, because if you have your own business, no one is going to be more concerned about your business as you are...I'm not saying don't trust people, but don't blindly trust them." -Stephanie Dalfonzo


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Afformations by Noah St. John
Medical Medium by Anthony William
White Hot Truth by Danielle Laporte
The Empath Survival Guide: Life Strategies for Sensitive People by Judith Orloff
The Book of Joy by the Dali Lama, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, and Douglas Carlton Abrams