SDH 268: Corporate America to Six-Figure Entrepreneur in Less than 4 Months with Julie Ciardi


Did you take the traditional path in life you’ve been told is the right one? This path probably includes some version of a 9-5 corporate job, a stable salary, a family; and everything that seems right on the outside, but feels wrong on the inside.

You aren't passionate about your work. You know there’s something else out there for you to create, a new role for you to fill; but you’re scared-- scared of changing your lifestyle, following a path that is different from what you’ve been taught is right.

You’re not alone.

These feelings are the start of your entrepreneurial journey and tend to sit along for the ride.

But it gets better.

And today’s guest, Julie Ciardi, started where you’re at; listening to the podcast,  hearing stories and surrounding herself with a community of women who took the leap and landed. Today, she joins us to share her first 3 months after taking the leap with her boutique that offers women clothes to hustle in style, while also raising her three kids.

Listen in and let her story help inspire yours.


  • See what a pivotal moment looked like for Julie

  • Understand how other people’s stories can help you to take action

  • Value the power of shifting your mindset

  • Know the key components to making financial projections for your business

  • Learn how to counter limiting beliefs

  • Uncover how she hit six figures in sales within four months of opening her business!



“When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” Wayne Dyer

“Sometimes you need to make these really bold moves in pursuit of your dreams.” Julie Ciardi

“Everything is figureoutable.” Marie Forleo


Haven The Boutique Website

Who Says Elephants Can’t Dance” by Louis. V. Gerstner

Find Your Extraordinary” by Jessica DiLullo Herrin

You are a Bad Ass” by Jen Sincero

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