SDH 137: Creating Community and Overcoming Fear with Cordova Pleasants


We made it! Can't believe we are on the 6th and final episode with Cordova! 

As you've settled into the realm of lady-bosshood, how have you begun to take more control of your business as an established entrepreneur? Have you been able to tailor your business to fit your ethical standards more?

Right now for Cordova Pleasants, owner of Resolute Boutique and Lifestyle, one of the exciting privileges of being a seasoned retailer is having more freedom to buy brands that represent her personal values and aesthetics, which is ethical fashion. 

Another step she's been able to take is launching new product engagement with her lifestyle membership that allows customers to have exclusive access to higher quality items, better deals, opportunities to win trips around Alaska, and  much more. Even though this is an exciting step for her, it still proves to be a daunting task because there is always the fear of failure.

But she keeps reminding herself that in order to grow her business, she has to take risks.

With this final episode of Cordova's six-part series, we wish her luck on her continued journey with Resolute Boutique. Her honesty and passion has been a pleasure to know, The She Did it Her Way team can't wait to see how she continues to progress going forward, and inspire other lady bosses.

As we head into another check in with Cordova Pleasants, owner of Resolute Boutique & Lifestyle, she shares her experience attending MAGIC, how she selects the styles for her online boutique, how having a proven track record of her business helps open doors to other vendors and what the future holds for her company.

In this episode you will...

  • Know how to find your like-minded mentor and audience

  • Learn how to explore new ways to continue engagement around your brand

  • Figure out how to discover inventory that represents your values

  • Understand how to manage your inventory as an established brand

  • Find out how to infuse your personal beliefs within your brand

  • Learn how to determine your budget and follow it



"You know what we're going to do today? We're going to try and take over the world. I feel like Pinky and Brain is so the goal. We're going to try and take over the world."-Cordova Pleasants

"Successful people talk about ideas and average minds talk about people" - Cordova Pleasants

"I just have this strong thing inside of me to go with companies that care about the environment, and care about where their products are sourced. Because it's not just about the people that sew the garments, it's also where does the fabric come from?" - Cordova Pleasants


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