Overcome Fear And Start Now

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Hello beautiful friends! 

Today, it isn’t about getting it right or perfect, it is about getting started. 

For so many of us, there are times where we delay action for fear of the outcome not being perfect or right. 

And that fear is so prevalent in the beginning stages of building a business. I still find myself in times of delayed action and I realize that why I’m not taking action is because of fear. Fear that it won’t be right, fear that I’ll be judged, fear that “Well this isn’t something that I may do long term and if I launch it and don’t do it again, I’ll look flighty,”  fear that someone won’t find value or purchase the service, the list goes on. 

The difference between now and then is that when those thoughts come up, I know that A. Those thoughts mean nothing and have nothing to do with me, it is my brain that is trying to protect me.

B. It is part of the process. I was watching a Taylor Swift interview the other day and she was being interviewed on Apple music, and they asked, “how do you do that? Keeping yourself distant from the scrutiny of it all. It is part of the job. This is part of it. This is normal.” Do not let anything stop you from making art, make things. 

Do not let anyone else stop you from achieving your dreams, going after them. You are the only one stopping you. You’re allowing your thoughts and your mind to run you, make decisions for you.

C. Taking action while facing fear, is a muscle that must be conditioned. You must practice that muscle. It is like going into a gym and lifting weights. Maybe you start at the 8-pound weights and over time you increase your capacity to 10 lbs weights, 12, 15. That is how you grow. 

There is no “right” business idea. I know for so many of you reading this, you’re so afraid to get it wrong and only want to get it right. But I want you to release this rule that you have that right and wrong exist. They don’t. It is only feedback, data, outcomes. 

You may be thinking there is something you want to do but then the idea of taking action creates this fear that you may waste your time because the outcome of what you’ll receive may not be what you want. So for example, you have an idea of services that you want to offer, and then you think about reaching out to people but then the thought of “Well, what if I reach out to people, provide the service and realize it isn’t what I want to offer...then I just wasted my time.”

This is a mindset opportunity. 

You have two choices. Choice #1, stay right where you’re at and take zero action. Or Choice #2, take action and get data. The thing is, is that the sooner you make a decision, the sooner you’re going to get the answers you want. There is no wasted time. 

A war general has two options on how to approach a mission. He or she doesn’t know which one is the right answer. But by making a decision sooner, and let us say he or she chooses option A but then realizes that they should have chosen option B. They now know sooner rather than being in the unknown.  

Clarity comes through taking action. Not thinking your way through it. 

Some of you are waiting for a certain feeling of comfort to hit you. 

You are the one that decides if you want to feel confident about the services you offer or your business. It is a decision. 

And yes, in the beginning, it will feel clunky, it may feel like a hot mess. You may feel like an imposter syndrome but that is because you are taking action, you’ve never taken before. It is something new. You’re learning a new way of being. 

You must focus on the process, not the outcome. Your services will evolve, they will change over time, but you have to take that every next best step. 

If you think you have an idea of services you want to offer people, all you have to do is send an email and let people know that you’re offering services. People don’t know what you do if you don’t tell them. Now there may be a lot of fear that comes up when you’re about to send the email but what is more important, what people think of you (which is your ego wanting to be validating) or you, living a life on your terms is free of people’s opinions? Knowing that by you sending that email, getting even your first client, puts you on the journey of getting even more clear about your services, who you want to work with and more? If that is you, definitely get on the waitlist for when the ultimate leap accelerator opens up again. 

Your mind is great at keeping you safe but not encouraging you to grow...because it is uncomfortable. Do not let your mind run you, you must run your mind. 

Where your focus goes, energy flows, results will show. 

Where is your focus, on what might not work or what could work? 

Remember there is no right or wrong, there is no such thing as perfect, only action and outcome. 

I’ll see you back here next week!

Amanda Boleyn