The #1 Thing You're Not Doing That Could Help You Quit Your Job Sooner

The #1 Thing You're Not Doing That Could Help You Quit Your Job Sooner.png

Hello my She Did It Her Way family! Today, I’d like y’all to…

Do This 1 Thing to Quit Your Day Job Sooner


  • The benefits/here’s what happens

  • How to decide which date to choose

  • Next steps on what to do after you set your leap date

But first, let’s talk about maybe why you haven’t’ already set a leap date.

If you have found yourself without a leap date and know you want to quit your job, there are a few different reasons as to why you may not have done this yet...

A few reasons why you may not be setting a leap date that you’re not even aware of might be...

  • Not understanding exactly why you’re procrastinating. Procrastination is driven by all different types of things; fear of failure, fear of it not being perfect or good enough, thoughts that create overwhelm and the way that we’re thinking about a specific situation.

  • Uncertainty within yourself and being confident whether or not you actually believe you can do it. And if you’re not sure, then what’s the point? This keeps you in a tug-of-war state. On one hand, you want to quit your job and on the other, the uncertainty that causes resistance pulls you back. So while you move one step forward, you also move two steps back and have caught yourself in a loop.

  • You’re afraid of failing and fearful of the process. You ask yourself, “What if it doesn’t work out? What if I fail? What will my friends and family think about me?”

  • You’re not aware that your thoughts are driving your actions, and the questions you ask yourself to direct your focus.

Now, I want to focus on the benefit and what happens when you actually do set a leap date and why it is so important:

  1. You make the decision ahead of time. When you make the decision ahead of time you…

    • Reduce stress - Instead of stressing about whether or not you’re staying at your job or quitting, you’ve now made your mind up and decided ahead of time as to when.

    • Achieve better results - Because you decide ahead of time you’re better able to plan. Now that you know your definite leap date, you can plan accordingly.

    • Save time, energy and money. You no longer spend time dabbling in random Youtube tutorials, your energy is more focused and therefore more efficient and because you have a plan and you know how to allocate your resources, including money.

    • It creates a sense of urgency; an end date.

2. Once you commit, things start shifting and taking shape to support your intention and you can plan based on the date you set.

  • A dream without a plan is just a wish.

  • You could spend all day at work fanaticizing about how you want to quit your day job, what you’d be doing if you weren’t at work and what like would be like to work for yourself. But unless you set a date, you’re allowing yourself to continually procrastinate on taking some serious massive action, the action you may be craving.

3. It forces you to get serious about your business (regardless if you haven’t started yet or had a side-hustle).

  • You start looking into your personal financial situation so you can make a plan on how you’re going to replace your corporate income, how much time you have to spend on building your business each week.

  • You become better at time management and clear on what your goals are and start to say no to things that don’t support your goals.

  • You start looking to invest in coaching or an online course or program. You join a Facebook group, maybe Her Way Community...which you can do by heading to

  • You then start to believe that it IS possible for you when you surround yourself by other people who are on the same path and journey as you. And because you believe, you commit to your dreams and your goals and that’s when the opportunities start to present themselves and you can take action on them.

How to decide which date to choose?

Things to consider:

  1. Assess where you’re at right now - are you starting from ground zero and still figuring what type of service you want to offer coaching on?

  2. Be sure to incorporate other potential life events when deciding your date.

  • Maybe you’re finishing school

  • Maybe your spouse will be transitioning out of his or job

  • One of my clients had a $10K bonus that was going to be given in February so she made her leap date to reflect after the bonus.

3. You also don’t want to overestimate too much but you also don’t want to underestimate too much - you want to make it as realistic as possible for you.

  • If 6 months is too soon, give yourself 12 months.

  • If 12 months feels like too long, give yourself 9 months.

  • It can be whenever you want it to be. You just want to make sure your timeline motivates you to take action today! Because if it is too far out, you won’t feel a sense of urgency.

4. Lastly, don’t overthink this. Don’t try to over-plan this leap date. Don’t try to get it ‘right’. One of my favorite quotes of all time is by Tim Ferris who says:

  • “For all of the most important things, the timing always sucks. Waiting for a good time to quit your job? The stars will never align and the traffic lights of life will never all be green at the same time. The universe doesn't conspire against you, but it doesn't go out of its way to line up the pins either. Conditions are never perfect. "Someday" is a disease that will take your dreams to the grave with you. Pro and con lists are just as bad. If it's important to you and you want to do it "eventually," just do it and correct course along the way.”

  • The important thing is to just start.

5. Go with your gut. Don’t worry about HOW you’re going to do it, you need to set the date and trust that by you making the commitment, what you need to know next will appear. That also doesn’t mean that you just do nothing and wait, that’d be silly. What it means is for you to remove the HOW you’re going to do and focus on why you want to do and set the intention. I’ll be sharing action items on what you can and need to do next after you set your ultimate leap date.

6. When you set a leap date, mark it on your calendar whether that be physical or digital. Put it everywhere. You must get in the mindset that it is happening otherwise your brain won’t believe you. You need to start talking as if it is really happening because it IS! Start to plan your days as if it happening because, again, it is really happening.

What to do after you set your LEAP date.

  1. Celebrate! Get excited and get ready to work!

  2. Next, I highly recommend getting super clear on your personal finances and know how much money is coming in and out every single month. This will be helpful when you get to the next step. Pull up the last three months of spending and income and see where you’re money went.

  3. Define what success looks like and your good, better, best revenue goals. This is not my idea, I first heard about it on another podcast that I can't think of the name... Your GBB goals allow you flexibility while also providing a framework. You need to decide how much money you want and need to make in order to quit your job. This will be different for everyone.

  • For example, let’s say that you make $100,000 a year. You have to ask yourself “What is the least amount of money I’ll accept to quit my job?” Based on the previous step you may have come to the conclusion that you actually live on as if you made $60,000, so your good goal is $75K which comes out to $6,250 per month in revenue goal. Let’s say your better goal is $90K which comes out to $7,500 per month, and your best goal is $105,000, which comes out to $8,750. Now you have more clarity on exactly how much money you need and want to bring in every month. Now that you have these numbers, you will be able to be more intentional when setting your prices and budgeting your time while working full-time.

4. Get clear on who you serve and what you offer is:

  • Is it coaching, services, what is it that you’re offering?

5. Decide how you’re going to market your services and start marketing them. This part takes time to gain traction and it is key to be marketing your services all the time and as much as possible.

6. Lastly, I highly recommend finding a mastermind or coaching program to support you along the way.

I’d love for you to come to join the Her Way Community Facebook group where we can continue the conversation and support one another. You can head to

And now is a really great time to sign up for my FREE 5-day email Start Your Online Business From Scratch Challenge. Each day, I’m sliding into your inbox delivering you special training on how to start your business from scratch. All you have to do is register at The challenge starts on Monday, March 30th and you won’t want to miss it!

You are all amazing, see you again next week!

Amanda Boleyn